Global University -

Global Reach has evangelism, discipleship, and training resources in multiple languages at no cost. These courses provide sound teaching in the Word of God and are the basis for biblical training in many countries around the world.


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Global University -

Creer, es algo innato en el ser humano. La variedad de creencias es posiblemente muy extensa. Sin embargo, cuando nos referimos a asuntos espirituales y eternos podemos consultar con confianza a las Sagradas Escrituras, la Biblia. Qué es lo que la Biblia dice acerca de Dios, el Hombre, el pecado, y acerca de Cristo Jesús y el Espíritu Santo? Qué nos puede decir del mundo de los espíritus, el futuro y nuestra relación con los demás? Está buscando respuestas a preguntas difíciles? Una fe que cambia su vida.

Global University -

This book will help you find the Right Path. org! Providing Systematic Training for Every Believer at No Cost. Enroll in China Bible College. To study the Global Univ.

Media Missionaries Fred and Crystal Kovach

Your Technology Missionaries Reaching Our World Using Electronic Evangelism! Find out how you can pray for us. Subscribe to our Monthly Prayer E-letter. And download our Online Prayer Card. Contribute to our missionary ministry. And View our ministry brochure. Fred and Crystal serve as media missionaries with Global University. Working with Assemblies of God.

Global University -

La maturité chrétienne est un but toujours actuel des croyants en Jésus-Christ. Ce qui est arrivé au monde.

Global University -

org! Providing Systematic Training for Every Believer at No Cost. org has evangelism, discipleship, and training resources in multiple languages at no cost. These courses provide sound teaching in the Word of God and are the basis for biblical training in many countries around the world. Most courses are available as printable documents. We encourage you to make as many copies as you would like! Some courses are also available in audio or video formats.

Global University -

Questo corso offre al credente una migliore comprensione del suo ruolo nella chiesa e gli mostra come adempierlo come parte indispensabile del corpo di Cristo. org ha selezionato dei corsi progett.

Global University -

A maturidade Cristã é a pontaria de cada crente, e o alvo é alcançar a medida da estatura completa de Cristo. Com uma preparação sistemática para cada crente, e gratuita.

Global University -

El autor presenta un plan detallado para aprender y practicar evangelismo personal. Entre los temas que presenta, destaca la importancia de compartir la fe en Cristo, la forma de prepararse personalmente para esta tarea y cómo superar el temor de testificarle a otros. Los ejemplos prácticos y en la propia vida del autor, permite una lectura fácil y un sistema de aprendizaje accesible. Los principios bíblicos que el autor presenta le ayudarán a compartir la fe en Cristo con nueva determinación y gozo.

World Challenge Pulpit Series Multilingual Web Site with sermons by David Wilkerson, founding pastor of Times Square Church, New York City

Click to Select a Quick Link! Link to our Site. Music of Times Square Church. Select Your Pulpit Series Language -. Select Your Pulpit Series Language. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. You may be able to help. More resources from World Challenge.


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I identified that a single page on took one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight milliseconds to download. We could not observe a SSL certificate, so our crawlers consider this site not secure.
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Global University -


Global Reach has evangelism, discipleship, and training resources in multiple languages at no cost. These courses provide sound teaching in the Word of God and are the basis for biblical training in many countries around the world.


This website states the following, "ይህ ኮርስ ስለ እግዚአብሔር ባህሪና በዓለም እየሆኑ ስላሉ ነገሮች የበለጠ ማወቅ ለሚፈልጉ ሰዎች የተዘ ጋጁ ስድስት ትምህርቶችን ያካተተ ኮርስ ነ ዉ አንዳንድ ጊዜ ስለ ሕይወት ምንነት ጥያቄ ተፈጥሮብዎ ያዉቃል? ለምን ዓላማ እንደተወለዱና እንዴት ደስተኛ መሆን እንደሚችሉ ጥያቄ አለዎ? ይህ ከሆነ እነዚህ ትምህርቶች እጅግ የሚረዱ ናቸዉ በህትመት በኦዲዮና በቪዲዮ ተዘጋጅተዉ ቀርበዋል." Our analyzers analyzed that the webpage also said " ለሕይወትዎ አስቸጋሪ ጥያቄዎች መልስ ማግኘት ይፈልጋሉ? ይህ ድህረ-ገፅ የተዘጋጀዉ መልሶችን ለማግኘት እንዲችሉ እርስዎን ለመርዳት ነዉ ይህ ዓለምን የመድረስ አገልግሎት ከ175 በላይ በሆኑ አገሮች ዉስጥና ከ120 በሚበልጡ የተለያዩ ቋንቋዎች ትምህርቶችን ይሰጣል." The website's header had Global University as the most important search term. It was followed by Global Reach, Christ, and God which isn't as highly ranked as Global University. The next words they used was Jesus. Christianity was also included but might not be seen by search crawlers.


Amharic Language Meetups - Meetup

Meet other local people who want to learn, teach and practice Amharic, the main language of Ethiopia. Put this list on your website. Speak Deutsch, Français, Korean, Italiano y Español! Want to meet new, fun people AND nourish your love for a certain language and culture? Middot; Korean Language. Middot; New In Town. Middot; Multi-Languages Exchanges Party.

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